Are human beings the Nazis of the natural world?before you dismiss the idea,compare how Nazis behaved towards non germanic people,and how human beings behave toward other species(or other humans we perseave to be so different we treat them like other species)the Nazis invaded the countries of the unta mench or sub humans taking their property and using and abusing them as they pleased,this they perceived as their right as the uba mench or master race. humans like wise relentlessly invade the territorys of other species,deforresting huge areas leaving the animals of the forest to die, sometimes resolting in the extermination of whole species, this we perceive as our right as a kind of master pervasive are these ideas(especially in the 3rd world, China Korea and Japan)so normalised have they become that they are virtually never questioned.if humans have rights, why do'nt other species even have the right to exist? so deep is our collective arrogance and chauvinism that being compared to animals revolts most of us. this is what is driving the belief that there is nothing wrong with our present population growth(some commentators suggesting it is a good thing) and the movement against darwinism and evolution theory.why with so much evidence and so many bone collected do the majority of human still not beleive that we are desendent from animals?The answer seems to be that having put our selves on a pedestal above the rest of creation we are reluctant to step down. As a consequence of this seperation that we have created over thousands of year in order to maintain this illussion of superiority we have distroyed any true meaning to our lives, instead of living meaningfull lives with life. most of us live narrow alienated lives ,based on cultures which distroy life on earth, out of an unjustified sence of entitlement.With most of the worlds religions pushing the idea that we are special extraordinary and exceptional resistance to a more inclusive veiw of ourselves is bound to continue.
The reason that the nazis wanted to beleive they where superior to non germanic people is the same reason humans want to beleive that they are superior to other species , it is a belief born out of a feeling of weakness and fear, this is the psychology of the bully, who secretly feel weak but can not except their weakness,they seek out the weak and vulnerable and try to control and humiliate them hoping to ultimately feel strong by belittling others , this bully mentality has been the dominant mentality of so called civilized humans for the last five thousand years untill it has brought us to the brink of self destruction , we need the resources that a balanced world ecological system brings but we can not safeguard these systems if we think we are so special that the whole world is for us to use without regard to other living things.We need to change if we want to survive , and l for one, proclaim l'm not important lam just another part of the fabric of life.
post script, here are some excerpts from the dictionary that show how humans denigrate other species
bru·tal \'brü-təl\ adj [ME, fr. MF or ML; MF, fr. ML brutalis, fr. L brutus — more at brute] (15c)
1 archaic: typical of beasts : animal
2 : befitting a brute: as a : grossly ruthless or unfeeling ‹a ~ slander› b : cruel cold-blooded ‹a ~ attack› c : harsh severe ‹~ weather› d : unpleasantly accurate and incisive ‹the ~ truth› e : very bad or unpleasant ‹a ~ mistake›
— bru·tal·ly \-təl-ē\ adv
syn brutal brutish bestial feral mean characteristic of an animal in nature, action, or instinct. brutal applies to people, their acts, or their words and suggests a lack of intelligence, feeling, or humanity ‹a senseless and brutal war›. brutish stresses likeness to an animal in low intelligence, in base appetites, and in behavior based on instinct ‹brutish stupidity›. bestial suggests a state of degradation unworthy of humans and fit only for beasts ‹bestial depravity›. feral suggests the savagery or ferocity of wild animals ‹the struggle to survive unleashed their feral impulses›. sav·age \'sa-vij\ adj [ME, fr. AF salvage, savage, fr. LL salvaticus, alter. of L silvaticus of the woods, wild, fr. silva wood, forest] (13c)
1 a : not domesticated or under human control : untamed ‹~ beasts› b : lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings : fierce ferocious ‹a ~ criminal›
2 : wild uncultivated ‹seldom have I seen such ~ scenery —Douglas Carruthers› animal n
syn beast, brute, creature, ‖critter
animal adj
syn brutish, beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, feral, ferine, swinish bes·tial \'bes-chəl, 'besh-, 'bēs-, 'bēsh-\ adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L bestialis, fr. bestia beast] (14c)
1 a : of or relating to beasts b : resembling a beast FOR MORE BLOGS AND ARTICALS GO TO. ONE DARYL SPRAKE COMPOSER .COM
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